PhD Opportunity! (WP 3)
Statistical Ecology Lab at Dalhousie
Proposed Start Date: May 1,2024
There is great interest in understanding the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of marine animal populations, to support conservation efforts & inform fisheries management. This poses a difficult challenge because many key variables are not directly observable in the ocean, e.g., animals can typically only be seen when they come to the
surface, and the underwater physical landscape is largely unknown. Nonetheless, recent technological advances have led to the collection of new data sets, including telemetry
devices attached to individual animals to record their movements, fishing surveys, and fine scale seafloor maps. This project will focus on developing new statistical methods for the integration of several types of spatiotemporal data, to advance our understanding of the links between individual animals’ behavior and their long-term population dynamics and
distribution. The project is flexible, and the student can choose to work on other questions that are relevant to improving analytical methods for spatiotemporal ecological data.
Coldwater Seafood Festival 2023
Jumanah Khan, Patricia Manuel & Sara Spike (WP 1.1) organized another (their 2nd) information session & exhibit for the Eastern Shore "Living with the seafloor" project for the Coldwater Seafood Festival in early summer in Lake Charlotte (with the Eastern Shore Archives).
Scientists Discover Healthy Deep-Sea Coral Reef and New Seamounts in the Galápagos
Press Release: Oct, 2023
MSc Defense
Joy Liu (WP 3) should successfully defend her MSc on Friday Dec 8, 2023!
Master of Marine Management
Jumanah Khan (WP 1.1) has completed her Master of Marine Management major project under the supervision of Dr. Floris Goerlandt. She is presenting her work at the Making Waves MMM presentations Friday, Dec 8 2023. Her project is titled: "Do You Sea What I See: Exploring the Representation of Place-Based Knowledge in Spatial Planning in Coastal Nova Scotia."
Coastal Zone Canada 2023 Conference
Patricia Manuel, Leah Fulton, & Sara Spike (WP 1.1) attended the Coastal Zone Canada 2023 conference in Victoria, BC this summer.
Sara presented our Eastern Shore work: "Living with the Seafloor: Exploring Local Knowledge of Coastal and Nearshore Benthic Spaces along the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia"
Leah presented her work using ArcGIS StoryMaps: "Harnessing Digital Storytelling with Maps to Empower Coastal Communities for Marine Stewardship and Conservation"
Patricia & their MSP research team organized a special session on Marine Spatial Planning: "Coastal communities in Marine Spatial Planning: Connecting across the coastal zone." This group is part of research another OFI large research project Module M - "Social license and planning in coastal communities"
Starting a PhD
Leah Fulton (WP 1.1) has started a PhD at University of Victoria.
News and updates from the WP1.1 Team
Our WP1.1 team (represented by Dr. Sara Spike and Leah Fulton) presented our BEcoME WP1.1 work at Coastal Zone Canada 2023 in Victoria, B.C. June 11-15 2023.
They presented in the session "Working together for Coastal and Marine Stewardship"
Sara presented on: "Living with the Seafloor: Exploring Local Knowledge of Coastal and Nearshore Benthic Spaces along the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia" https://czc2023.exordo.com/programme/presentation/198
Leah presented on: "Harnessing Digital Storytelling with Maps to Empower Coastal Communities for Marine Stewardship and Conservation" https://czc2023.exordo.com/programme/presentation/363
Patricia Manuel also attended the conference. She presented a poster & facilitated a special session about our marine spatial planning work (another OFI project). "Coastal communities in marine spatial planning: Connecting across the coastal zone."
June 3 & 4 2023, Sara, Jumanah and Patricia hosted an exhibit of the BEcoME "Living with the Seafloor" work at the Eastern Shore Cold Waters Seafood Festival" in Lake Charlotte, 'Memory Lane 1940s Heritage Village", The team presented maps, video exhibits of benthic mapping & visualizations & invited people to annotate maps with information about the coast.
May 23-26 2023, Jumanah attended the OFI Researchers' Conference in St. John's NL. She presented a poster about the BEcoME WP1.1 work.
Gwen Marty has graduated with her Master of Marine Management, Class of '23. Congratulations Gwen!