Emmeline Br ad

Emmeline Broad
PhD student
Department of Environmental Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
I am a PhD student based in the department of Environmental Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I have a background in benthic ecology, with a particular interest in the conservation of deep-sea vulnerable habitats.
I graduated in 2020 with an MSci in Marine Biology from the University of Southampton (UK). My dissertation focused on habitat mapping deep sea vulnerable marine ecosystems off Southwest Greenland.
I recently held a position in the benthic ecology team in the Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London. My research focused on mapping polar seabed habitats on the Western Greenland shelf, to support the sustainable management of Greenland’s cold water prawn trawl fishery.
My PhD research sits in WP2 (Broad-scale Mapping), which aims to evaluate the role that geomorphology plays in predicting shifting species patterns in the NW Atlantic in response to the effects of climate change.
Using recently obtained high resolution multibeam bathymetry, I will focus on building a number of habitat suitability models under present and future climate change conditions. These predictions may help us understand if there is suitable habitat available which could support vulnerable taxa that are predicted to migrate poleward in response to climate change.
Areas of expertise:
Benthic Ecology
Marine Conservation
Benthic image annotation
Multivariate statistics
Sponge taxonomy
Contact: Emmeline.Broad@mi.mun.ca